Monday, 9 April 2007


The Mighty Giant Trevally (G.T.) certainly are a very tough customer. These Robust Predator really take Angler, Tackle & Crew to their very limits and sometimes beyond! These Kings of the Reef patrol along the Reef edge schooling up baitfish.
Popper casting for G.T. is predominantly 'Sight Fishing'. It’s incredibly exciting to watch as the huge head and shoulders of a massive G.T. breaks the surface as it devours a well placed cast popper!!! Wham O!!!
Although G.T.s are the prime targeted species for popper casting other fish are also sometimes caught. Among these are Blue spot, Golden, Silver, & Tea leaf Trevally. As well as Spanish & Scaly Mackerel , Red Bass, Coral Trout just to name a few.
Popper casting can be done all year round but is best from February to September.
Yet another great way to test out your skill & strength. Jigging can be done year round.
Using a variety of Lead heads, slice type and soft plastics, it is absolutely incredible what you can catch on a jig. Every imaginable bottom fish from coral trout to red emperor and everything in between as well as a bunch of different toothy pelagic’s.

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