Tuesday, 12 June 2007



fly fishing rod is a tool that is used to catch fish in the sport called angling. Some fishing line is attached to a long, flexible pole or rod. One end of the line has a hook on it for catching the fish. Fishing rods differ in length and in action. They can be found in lengths between 24 inches and 16 feet. The longer rods provide for greater mechanical action while casting.

Fly fishing rods are made to cast a fly and are long, thin and very flexible. The fly is usually tied on with feathers, fur, foam, or some other lightweight material. A fly rod uses the weight of the fly line for casting. A "leader" is often tied onto the fly line on one end, and the fly onto the other end. The size of the rod to be used depends much on what type of fish are desired, the water and wind conditions, and on the weight of the line. The heavier and larger lines can cast larger and heavier flies. Fly rods are available in many different line sizes, from size #0 rods, which are used for catching small freshwater fish such as pan fish and trout, all the way up to size #16 rods, which are used for the larger saltwater fish.

Most fly fishing rods have very little or no handle, sometimes referred to as a butt section. This helps to prevent interference in casting movements. A fly rod with a longer rear handle is called a spey rod. It is sometimes used for fishing in saltwater surfcasting, or for large rivers to catch steelhead or salmon.
Action is the amount of rod flexibility or stiffness in the rod. Slow-action fly fishing rods have the greatest amount of bend and are used to reel in smaller, lightweight fish. These are sometimes difficult for beginner fishers to control, but they also provide the most accuracy for short-range casting. Medium-action fly fishing rods are easier for beginning fishers to control. They have some flexibility, and the rod bends more in the middle and at the tip. These rods can be used for short or long-range casting. Fast-action fly fishing rods bend at the end of the rod and are very stiff. They do not have much give to them at all. These rods are best for long-distance casting, and also for reeling in the bigger fish. Beginners can find these harder to handle because they are not as accurate as a short-action rod.

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